
Blog Updates – Some Content Updates and Format Changes

This blog has been up since last November, which makes it about 7 months since I started it.  So crazy, considering I had been waffling back and forth about making a nerdy blog for years and then bam on a whim I just made it and the rest is history.  I’ve enjoyed the ride so far, but along the way I’ve realized there are some posts that I’d like to be doing I haven’t, some posts that I know I won’t frequently make even though I said I would, formatting changes etc etc.  So, I wanted to make a post addressing said changes, just to keep you guys up to date.  With that intro out of the way, here we go!


Anime Posts –  In all honesty, I don’t watch as much anime as I thought I would.  It’s not that I don’t like it, but I’m much more of a casual viewer of anime, where I’m far more of an avid fan of other things like books, video games, western cartoons, super hero media, and anything fantasy.  Anime posts will occasionally happen, just not in any sort of frequency:  If I watch an anime, and think I can write a blog post about something in it, or a general review about it, I will.  Take my Magic Knight Rayearth and Miss Kobayashi posts, as good examples.  So if you popped over here because you wanted to see a lot of posts about anime, my apologies!  Like I said they’ll be scattered around here and there, but not as much as say, my book reviews.


Book Reviews – I’m going to make 2 different formats for book reviews.  I’ll still keep my in depth, analytical posts about books that I have a lot to say about, but when a book comes along that I don’t have much to comment on, I’m going to be using the “Mini Review” format – a format where I just talk about my general impressions of the book, instead of break down each aspect of the book.  The mini review format will allow me to review a few books I’ve read that I haven’t been able to fill a full analysis post with.


For an example of a mini book review, check out The Siren Book Review

Longer Form posts, pretty much any other book post but here’s the last one I did on The Heartstrikers series of books.


Shorter posts, more frequent content – There are a lot of smaller posts I’d like to make so I can post twice a week, instead of once!  I’d like to start some character spotlights for characters in certain shows, some of what I’m calling “Musical Moments” where I spotlight a track or OST from a video game, anime, TV Show, cartoon etc etc, and also do some more lists (my Yugioh one was tons of fun). I’m going to work hard to get some content written so I can post more often, so stay tuned for that!  I also need to get back to doing my Disney Deconstructions, I really enjoy writing those.  General opinion pieces and possibly some tags will pop up here too!



More Posts About Being a Blind Nerd – Since it’s the name of the blog, I really need to get on this.  There are a lot of posts I’d like to make about being blind and playing video games, card games, blind representation in media, accessibility in certain mediums, and overall talk more about my experiences being a blind nerd.  I have a few stories from my high school/college years I could share, so let me know if you’d be interested in hearing any.  I’ve had to adapt a lot of things to be able to do them and sharing how I’ve done them I think would be tons of fun (playing the Yu-gi-oh TCG is a story all it’s own haha).


More Episode Recaps – I really Enjoyed writing up the Iron Fist episode recaps as I watched the show, so I’m definitely going to be doing more of those.  They’ll be more infrequent content, because they’ll be happening when I watch shows I’d like to do that format with.


Those are pretty much all of the updates I wanted to share!  Be on the lookout for some new blog features, and some old retooled ones.  Now, I’m off to write a book review, see you all on Wednesday!

2 thoughts on “Blog Updates – Some Content Updates and Format Changes

  1. Crystal, you know I don’t read non-anime blogs.

    Of course your other one doesn’t have much about anime… Er, moving on! Has it really been 7 months? Time really flies right by.

    I would really look forward to more posts about being a blind nerd. Being able to explore another person’s perspective is always interesting for me, and I think your experiences could highlight things that a lot of readers might not be aware of.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lololol for as many anime blogs I read I find it ironic I rarely talk about it myself XD

    Good to hear! I love seeing other people’s perspectives too. I’ve mainly been putting off writing about blind things because they’d be some pretty big posts to tackle and I just haven’t wrapped my brain around how I want to format it yet. Happy to hear you’re interested in it though!

    Liked by 1 person

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